What Prevents You From Being Unstoppable?

Harness the power of programming your subconscious mind to liberate yourself from self-sabotage.

Dichotomy is a part of the vocabulary. Throughout history the issue of dualism tormented philosophers and anyone who can’t tolerate ambivalence. Today it appears that the dualism that complicates our lives may not be as perplexing as we thought.

Dichotomy may well be the struggle between our conscious and subconscious mind. While many of us are trapped in the discord, the solution is synchronizing the two to work together to our benefit.

The subconscious mind is pivotal to our functioning. It manages all physiological functions, most of which we are not consciously aware of. It protects us in emergencies: stores our knowledge and experiences related to handling potential dangers and controls the fight or flight response. For all intents and purposes, the subconscious is the auto-pilot that ensures our smooth functioning. No ambiguity there. Right? Not really: in addition to managing billions of life-sustaining, essential processes, storing life-preserving information and automated reactions, it does a lot more: some of it useful and some severely misleading and even damaging.

The subconscious stores our emotional baggage, beliefs, reactions, conclusions and attitudes. It is also the home of our complacency, self-doubt, self-sabotage, moods and many liabilities that arise from them.

The problem? Too large archives, incorrectly filed or outright incorrectly processed information that shouldn’t be served automatically. When it is, it’s not only not helpful but often limiting and / or misleading.

I’m not suggesting that the subconscious is useless or damaging, but that we’re better off managing some parts of it “custom” as opposed to “automatically”. To keep our pc safe we run a virus scan, regularly. (If you’ve ever took a close look at the results, you may have noticed that a virus scan catches more than the occasional virus, phishing email or a Trojan horse.) If you don’t actively monitor and manage your pc, it will perform poorly, slow down and function for a shorter period of time. To a degree, the same is true of some parts of our subconscious mind. It’s advisable to yield to its wisdom when it comes to our physiological needs. It may be advisable also to check for “corrupted” files in the emotional department.

The unquestionable genius of the subconscious mind is that it is programmable. It is programmed by our physiological needs. It tries to meet our emotional needs. The blueprint of our physiological needs is provided by our bodies. However, when it comes to our emotional life, we provide the “master files”. If the info fed to – and stored in – our subconscious doesn’t serve us well, it compels us to live a frustrating life.

You are responsible for your food choices, lifestyle, sleep and exercise routine which determines how well you feel and perform physically. You are just as responsible for your emotional auto-pilot. Your subconscious computer does – and will work – in the emotions department in accordance to the blueprint YOU provide.

Can’t make sense of it? Think of a specific moment when you:

  • decided to go some place and at the last moment changed your mind because you felt too lazy
  • came up with a fantastic idea you were eager to implement immediately and then abandoned it for no reason
  • were determined to lose weight, but gave up after a couple of days
  • reached for the stars and gave up because you knew you’d fail
  • knew that you deserved a raise or promotion but didn’t speak up because there were others who could have made a better argument
  • were attracted to someone but didn’t pursue them because they were way out of your league

Do you know now what prevents you from being unstoppable? Your subconscious mind that keeps on giving up on your behalf. You subconscious acting on auto-pilot is motivated by the need to keep you safe! Too much safety though can be suffocating and dream-crushing.


The subconscious mind follows blueprints perfectly. The troublemaker isn’t your subconscious, but a lousy blueprint. Who, when and why created your emotional blueprints? Do they serve YOU well or sabotage you?

Change the blueprint of your emotions, change your life! Your subconscious is programmable and will yield to any blueprint. You design it. You’ll encode it. You’ll live the life you want.

Say goodbye to the pain and suffering of dualism and hello to a new emotional blueprint that supports YOUR goals. When your new emotional blueprint – the one that synchronizes your conscious goals with your subconscious auto-pilot – becomes encoded in your subconscious, you won’t be torn in two conflicting directions anymore. You’ll live internal struggle-free. You’ll be able to devote ALL your energy into achieving your goals and becoming the person you want to be!

So, before you dismiss this as yet another piece of personal development advice: STOP! In any area of life, advice is not a solution unless it’s implemented. Reading isn’t enough. Considering isn’t enough. Action is! If one single change (changing the emotional blueprint that your subconscious follows) has the power to change your life: make you self-confident, determined, disciplined, productive, responsible, powerful, successful and happy, you owe it to yourself to implement such an advice, ASAP!!! Get going and invest some work in personal development: it can change the quality of your life.

Sturm Enrich

Sturm Enrich

Sturm Enrich is a Survivor, Thinker, Author and Speaker. Sturm Enrich is passionate about environmental issues, community building, social justice, education, tolerance, animal welfare and ethics. She’s writing "User’s Manual For Life" one book at a time….

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